Wednesday, April 23, 2014



     Hi there, my name is Ryan Cary and I started this blog for one reason and one reason only. To explain the meaning behind common meme characters used today. Memes are everywhere; they are on social media apps, humor websites and even put on walls as posters to make a point. But what is a meme?
                      By definition a meme is, “an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another”. In simple terms it is a picture, usually of a face or character, with humorous or meaningful text that is written on it. Though a very simple idea, some memes are extremely popular and are know almost everywhere in the world. Now, what makes the difference between a legendary meme and a boring meme? It’s simply the viewer relate-ability and humor level. That feeling when you read the meme and say, “wow, I know exactly what they’re talking about!”

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